With maximalist, kitschy visuals, Sarah Elawad fills her practice with love

Across everything from zines to textiles, the Sudanese, Brooklyn-based designer and artist creates work exuding affection.

16 May 2024

With how commercial, online and fragmented parts of the creativity industry have become, it could definitely be argued that it’s lacking in a little love. But not if the artist and designer Sarah Elawad has anything to do with it – her whole practice is bathed in the emotion. “The heart of my creative practice is love,” she says. “The work I make is both a reflection of the love in my own life as well as a gift of love I put out into the world. My interpersonal relationships, my connection with God, the joy I get when I look at a beautiful flower are all heavy influences in my art practice.”

Sarah is Sudanese, born and raised in London and currently living in New York. So, with friends and family spanning continents, there’s one particular thing that inspires Sarah the most – the “good morning” WhatsApp messages she receives from loved ones across the Arab Region. These encapsulate a lot of the things she’s thinking about when making, where she aims to bring “maximalist, kitschy and floral visuals” into her work as a means of “communicating with ones far away” and sending a “prayer in the name of love”. This concoction of visuals comes together beautifully in Sarah’s zine, In the Bloom of Their Joy The Flower of Their Happiness, with its hazy pink hues, elegant bilingual type and nostalgic visuals striking feelings of warmth deep within.

While Sarah is a graphic designer and artist by profession, she sees herself more as a “maker”, who experiments with different mediums and materials. Recently, she’s been experimenting with the creation of textiles and garments, exploring how fashion and art combine to provide a new avenue of expression.


Sarah Elawad: in the bloom of their joy and the flower of their happiness zine (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: in the bloom of their joy and the flower of their happiness zine (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: in the bloom of their joy and the flower of their happiness zine (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: in the bloom of their joy and the flower of their happiness zine (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: in the bloom of their joy and the flower of their happiness zine (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: Land of the blacks (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: LOVE & SUDAN (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: The Loved One (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: The Loved One (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: Objects as an Extension of the Self Video Still (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)


Sarah Elawad: Objects as an Extension of the Self Video Still (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)

Sarah Elawad: Objects As An Extensions of the Self (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)

Sarah Elawad: Your Local Halal Market (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)

Hero Header

Sarah Elawad: in the bloom of their joy and the flower of their happiness zine (Copyright © Sarah Elawad)

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About the Author

Olivia Hingley

Olivia (she/her) joined the It’s Nice That team as an editorial assistant in November 2021 and soon became staff writer. A graduate of the University of Edinburgh with a degree in English Literature and History, she’s particularly interested in photography, publications and type design.

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