So, after a bit of a break from the Things review we are back with a bang. The most incredible amount of bits and pieces have come our way over the Christmas, present-giving season, so I’ve decided to feature more than usual with a little line about each. Normal service will resume from next week.

Crows / Gravity by Mårten Lange / Kalle Sanner. Published by Farewell Books
Books put out by Farewell books never, ever disappoint. Here are two more that keep up the tradition."

Publication Published by Nick Turpin
An incredibly handsome box by street photographer Nick Turpin including a little magazine “for street photographers, by street photographers” and a series of lovely cards. Hugely recommended and humblingly witty.

A Dictionary Story Sam Winston
The result of a Kickstarter campaign I supported earlier in the year. A beautiful artists book by a man with real talent.

Cult of Flowers Issue 1 Edited by Kelly Albeln
A ‘Publication for Young Women’ and even though I’m not a young woman I can see it’s been beautifully put together. Accompanied by an incredibly well worded note, thanks Kelly.

Ein Magazin über Orte Nos. 5 and 6
A German magazine that looks as good as it feels, and that’s saying something.

Dicky Graham Framed Print Dicky Graham
A very generous preset from the fantastic Dicky Graham. This image is a bit of a personal favourite.

Selected Projects Dean Brown
A self-promotional booklet from product designer Dean Brown that is noteworthy it’s clinical and professional demeanor.

Ten Years of Design Practise Brighten the Corners
Brighten the corners have been open for ten years, and in that time you’ll recognise some of their fantastic projects, and through this set of posters, you now might recognise some of their e-mails from the last decade.

Untitled – The Art Book Curated by Anna Wolf
The latest issue of Mike Perry’s Untitled publication has been curated by brilliant photographer Anna Wolf, and looks very pleased it has.

Numbers by Peter James Field
Great little concept, showing famous portraits next to a number signifying something important about them, well drawn by Peter James Field.

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About the Author

Alex Bec

Alex is the CEO of It’s Nice That. He oversees the commercial side of It’s Nice That, Creative Lives in Progress and If You Could Jobs.

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